What stories do Porto’s tiles tell?

The azulejos (traditional Portuguese tiles) in Porto tell a variety of rich and intricate stories, reflecting the culture, history, and traditions of the area.
Some notable examples include:
1. *São Bento Railway Station*: This station is famous for its azulejos panels depicting scenes from Portuguese history, including events like the Battle of Valdevez and the arrival of King John I and his bride, Philippa of Lancaster, in Porto. The tiles also portray everyday rural life, offering a glimpse into Portugal's past.
2. *Church of the Carmo*: The side façade of this church is covered with a vast panel of azulejos illustrating the foundation of the Carmelite Order and scenes from the life of Saint Teresa of Ávila. These tiles serve both decorative and educational purposes, informing the faithful about the order's history and values.
3. *Chapel of Souls*: Also known as the Chapel of Santa Catarina, this chapel is renowned for its blue and white azulejos depicting scenes from the lives of Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Catherine.
4. *Church of Saint Ildefonso*: The façade of this church is adorned with azulejos illustrating scenes from the life of Saint Ildefonso, as well as important biblical episodes.
5. *Bolhão Market*: While less known for specific stories, the azulejos in this traditional market contribute to its authentic and historical ambiance.
6. *Trindade Metro Station*: This station features contemporary azulejos designed by Júlio Resende, representing the modernity and constant movement of urban life.
Each of these locations offers a unique narrative, blending historical, religious, and cultural elements. The vibrant colors and intricate details of the azulejos transform Porto into an open-air museum, where each tile piece contributes to the rich tapestry of local history and culture.